
Invasive alien plant species are plant species that establish themselves outside their native distributional range. The current study documented utilization of alien plant species in the Eastern Cape province in South Africa. Information about utilization of alien plant species was gathered through interviews conducted with 120 participants, which included 13 traditional healers, 27 herbalists, ten farmers and 70 laypeople. Ethnobotanical importance of documented species was assessed through evaluation of use value (UV), fidelity level (FL) and relative frequency citation (RFC). A third of the participants (33.3%) perceived alien plant species as undesirable, while 71.1% of the participants argued that alien plant species had beneficial effects. A total of 26 alien plant species were recorded, seven species being fruit trees, followed by ornamental plants (five species), fodder and herbal medicines (four species each), construction materials, erosion control and vegetables (two species each). The popular alien plant species with UV > 0.1, RFC > 0.4 and FL > 4.0% included Amaranthus spinosus, Cannabis sativa, Cereus jamaracu, Harrisia balansae, Opuntia engelmannii, Opuntia ficus-indica, Opuntia monocantha and Prunus persica. Information on perceptions of local communities in the Eastern Cape province on the contributions of alien plant species to livelihood needs is an important stage of initiating a management protocol that incorporates public perceptions and values associated with alien plant species.


  • Invasive alien plant species are plant species that establish themselves outside their native distributional range

  • TableD4o. cCuAmReAntionrgNinEfMorBmAactiaotnegoonriepseorcfeapliteionnpslaonftlsopcaecl iceosmremcourndietdiesinotnhethEeasctoenrntrCibaupteiopnrsoovfinacleieinn Spolauntht Aspfericciaes. to livelihood needs in the Eastern Cape province is an important step in trying to understandSpaencdiesinNitaiamtee a management CpAroRtoAc/oNl EthMaBt AincCoartpeogroartieess public perIcnevpatisoionns Santadtuvsalues associated with alien plant species

  • Recording of alien plant species and analyzing patterns of floristic status, geographical distribution, biological attributes and utilization has proved to be a useful approach in understanding exotic species diversity in various areas of the world

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Invasive alien plant species are plant species that establish themselves outside their native distributional range. Baral et al [19] argued that incorporation of local knowledge into alien plant species management could significantly contribute to the change of public perceptions and values associated with alien plant species. Zengeya et al [20] argued that the main reasons for introducing alien plant species in different localities are to get household sustenance through their utilization, ecosystem services such as erosion control and dune stabilisation. These authors argued that alien plant species with high societal values have been widely disseminated and in some areas they are conspicuous components of the natural ecosystems. TAhfreicsaturdegyacrdonintgribcountetsribtoutrieosnesarocfhalliietenraptluanret sopnepciuebsltioc tpheerclievpetliiohnosoodfnaeleiedns polfatnhteslpoeccailecsoamnmd uatntiittyu.dTehsetoswtuadrydctohnetrciubrurteensttmo arensaegaermchelnitteprartoutorecoolns psaptnurrodabvtleiiscdgtrpieaeetstrehcogeenipebdstaiiosoffennelsirnedoenfiftadfeblairietoeanndrtpievlbqaeiunrostidirtseiypvdeeccrfoosimeirtsypeaovncnaodlemunaapttttsoiint[nu1ged4n,ae4tlss2ie,t4on[14w4p–,a5l4ar32dn],.4tt4Rhs–pee5sec3ucu]il.retrssReondefstivutmheltirasssnisotatyfgu,edtuhmytiisewlniszittlaluptaidroolysntoo,wcpeoixrlloilssvtaaiilnndsdgoe tpheercbeapsteiloinnes danatdaartetqituuidreeds ofofrlaeyvpaleurasotinnsgianliSeonupthlaAntfrsipceactioeswdairvdesrsailtiye,nuptillaiznattsiopne,cieexsi.stTinhgisppearpceepr taiiomnss atonfdillatthtietukdneoswolfedlagyepgearpsoonnslioncaSlopuetohpAlefsr’icaattittouwdaersd, psearlcieepntpiolnans tanspdemciaens.agTehmisepnat psterrataeigmiesstroeqfiullirthede ktonocownlterdogleangdapcoonntlaoicnapl opteeonptlieasl’inatvtiatsuidoneso, fpaerliceenptpiolannstasnpdecmieasniangtehme eEnatsstetrranteCgaiepserpeqrouviriendcetoincoSnoturtohl aAnfdriccao.ntain potential invasion of alien plant species in the Eastern Cape province in South Africa

Materials and Methods
Data Collection
Participants categories
Utilization of Alien Plants
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