
Ali Şir Nevâyî lived in a period when the turmoil in the political, social and economic fields increased, which can be expressed as the dec-line and collapse of the Timurid state; however, as a cultural center of this period, philosophy, astronomy, mathematics etc. in various fields that will make this century the Turkish century in the world. It is a period of rise in sciences, music, miniature, calligraphy and literature, and valuable per-sonalities have grown. As we have confirmed with written texts since the Kokturks period, reason, knowledge/wisdom and acting with them are the values that are prioritized, especially justice. A school of science was for-med in Samarkand during the reign of Emir Timur's grandson Ulug Bey, and science was given importance; Reputable people dealing with science and art have contributed to the history of the world in various fields and have been a guide. These values are also extremely important in Nevâyî.As in statesmanship, he acted with these principles in his writing activities, became the carrier of his own identity to the top, aimed to appe-al to large masses and to conquer hearts in various countries. In this way, his tools are primarily his language and his style, which is unique to his identity. Nevâyî writes in a simple language and a comfortable style as if he is chatting with himself, when he wants to rhetoric, in a pleasant and plea-sant style. As a writer, besides the pearls of words in the heart, the pen that arranges them and saves dreams, information and people from oblivion by writing them on the time page is important. Nevâyî takes a pen, not a spear, and conquers countries with it. First of all, there is the “levh ü kalem” and everything is recorded. The reason is that there are long sections about the pen in copyrights, it uses rich analogy elements related to the pen.Nevayi wrote dozens of couplets for the pen. In this study, we emp-hasize Nevâyî's thoughts on style, Turkish style and especially pen, through his works such as Muhâkemetü’l-Lugateyn, Ferhâd ü Şîrîn, Garā’ibü’s-Sıgar, Hayretü’l-Ebrar, Sedd-i İskenderî, Sebʻa-yi Seyyâr.

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