
SUMMARY ALI is a project to develop an archive for talking books produced by the Swedish universities. The universities produce talking books from the mandatory literature for students with reading disabilities, including mostly journal articles, book chapters and texts written by teachers. The project group consists of librarians and co-ordinators for students with disabilities at Lund, Karlstad, Växjö, Södertörn and Jönköping universities. Project ALI aims to promote and facilitate the implementation of new digital production techniques to produce talking books at the participating Swedish universities and to promote and facilitate the implementation of new routines for a rational and efficient handling of the production of talking books and the distribution to end users. ALI also develops a digital archive including an administration tool for libraries and a user interface for students. In connection with this it has become necessary to investigate the possibilities of the copyright law and how it can be interpreted in relation to the talking books in the digital archive and in relation to the very well-defined user group, students with reading disabilities. Finally an important feature of the project is to market the archive towards librarians and end users.

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