
Since the start of COVID-19, a fair amount of work has been undertaken by scholars around the world to model its progression. It became clear from the start of pandemic that its progression is affected by various factors within different communities. Subsequently, the necessary means and the range of measures used to effectively control the virus would vary from place to place. And we have been witness to different approaches adopted around the world to maintain the virus under check both in the short term and the long term. So, in this unexpected situation, it is a great challenge for the world health organization (WHO) to save the lives of COVID-19 patients. For this, several mathematical models have been made for better understanding the coronavirus contagion. Mostly, these models are based on classical integer-order derivative using real numbers which cannot capture the fading memory. Thus, in this unexpected situation, fuzzy sets (FSs) are considered due to their inherent capability to deal with uncertainty. Fuzzy sets (FSs) theory has the ability to manage uncertain situations. Thus, the goal of this research is to present newly mathematical methods based on complex Pythagorean fuzzy sets (CPyFSs) and their operators, namely complex Pythagorean fuzzy Einstein weighted geometric operator, and induced complex Pythagorean fuzzy Einstein hybrid geometric operator to reduce the spreading rate of COVID-19. At the end of the paper an illustrative example is constructed to show the effectiveness, reliability of the new techniques.

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