
The challenge of information control of complex systems has been studied especially précised during the last years due to the increased level of digital transformation. The integrated nature of modern economic systems requires advanced solutions based on combination of state-of-the-art digital techniques with revised classical managerial, economical and mathematical approaches. The research gap is emphasized with the less of literature sources devoted to practical aspects of such combined tools applications. On this issue the authors suggest the algorithmic framework with analytical model on information control enhancement to transport-related operations within complex transportation systems. The article proposes a model of total transportation time (TTT) estimation considering various restrictions, elasticity coefficient of customer satisfaction, sustainable development and social aspects. As a result of better information control, transportation system becomes more flexible for alternative solutions. It explains the high applied value of the conducted research aimed also on planning improvement through the precise control procedures in transportation systems. Holistic view on the problem of TTT definition through the prism of information integration brings the discussion forward on how many factors should be considered in planning and controlling of integrated transportation systems. The given numerical example for multimodal international conveyance highlights the role of the proposed algorithmic foundations towards information management and control in multi-object systems. Probabilistic estimation of process reliability corresponds to the need of planning agile transportation systems.The purpose of the study is to contribute to the research field of stochastic on-time arrival (SOTA) problem with consideration of many factors influencing on performance in integrated transportation systems. The algorithmic framework proposes a conceptual basis for management, planning and information control. Application of the proposed methodology helps obtaining higher probability of on time arrival and increase reliability of transportation systems.

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