
Abstract: In recent years, computer science education has become increasingly important as technology continues to play a dominant role in our lives. The understanding of algorithms and their implementation is a crucial aspect of computer science education. Visualizing algorithms can be a powerful tool to help students understand and retain the concepts behind them. This paper presents a new algorithm visualizer that focuses on two main types of algorithms: sorting algorithms and graph pathfinding algorithms. The algorithm visualizer was created using React.js, a popular JavaScript library, and provides visualizations for various sorting algorithms, such as merge sort, quick sort, heap sort, and bubble sort. Additionally, the visualizer includes visualizations for graph pathfinding algorithms such as breadth-first search, depth-first search, and A*. The visualizer also includes mazes and patterns that can be solved using the pathfinding algorithms, allowing users to see the algorithms in action. The algorithm visualizer provides a user-friendly interface that allows users to step through the algorithms and see how they work. This interactive approach to learning algorithms provides a valuable resource for students and educators alike. The visualizer is also highly customizable, allowing users to adjust the speed and complexity of the algorithms to fit their needs. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the design, implementation, and evaluation of the algorithm visualizer.

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