
Researches have shown that current state of labour protection in Ukraine requires developing new conceptual approaches to problem solving, in particular at the stage of developing measures aimed at preventing accidents and occupational diseases at the workplace. Taking into account the International Labour Organization recommendations on the need for applying a systematic approach to preventive measures planning, summarizing the existing scientific approaches and methods for systems analysis in strategic planning, it has been proposed to use this experience in the field of labour protection. An algorithm of developing preventive measures on labour protection at the state level has been described in the paper, based on the use of methods for statistical quantitative analysis, qualitative analysis, PEST and SWOT-analyses, economic analysis, correlation analysis, strategic planning, hierarchy analysis, alternative analysis, decision theory, expert methods, “tree of objectives” method and predictive methods. The developed algorithm of planning preventive measures on labour protection at the state level using the proposed methodological support of this process allows realization of all basic planning procedures and obtaining necessary measures on creating safe and healthy working conditions at the workplace.

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