
Introduction. The concept of the SES stipulates that officials exercising state supervision (control) are obliged to detect and prevent violations of fire and technogenic safety requirements established by law [14]. Іn such situations, he bears full responsibility for violation of the requirements of fire, technogenic safety established by the legislation.Purpose. To propose an algorithm of actions of authorized officials during state supervision (control) in the field of technogenic and fire safety during the practical implementation of the provisions of the Civil Protection Code of Ukraine (further- the CZU Code) and the Law of Ukraine "On Basic Principles of State Supervision (Control)" Dated April 5, 2007 (further- Memorandum № 877).Methods. Analysis of existing regulations governing the implementation of state supervision (control) in the field of tech-nogenic and fire safety and its practical implementation by authorized officials of the SESResults. Ways to improve the activities of state supervision (control) in the field of fire and technogenic safety and the powers of officials to implement it are considered. The main directions of implementation of preventive measures by state supervision bodies are given. The necessity of using a new approach to the state management of fire, technogenic safety and civil protection is highlighted.
 Conclusion. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "On approval of the Instruction on registration of materials on administrative offences and recognition as invalid of some orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine" from 27.07.2016 № 725 should be supplemented with a clause on the interaction of article 185-14КУпАП. "Creation of obstacles in the activity of authorized officials of the central body of executive power, which implements the state policy on state supervision (control) in the field of fire and technogenic safety, related to conducting inspections".

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