
Relevance. Ground ice is one of unstable components of the cryolithozone and occupies 400–600 km3 in total. Changes in the conditions of heat transfer of ground ice under the influence of external or internal factors can lead to the formation of thermokarst sinkholes, solifluction mudslides, cryogenic landslides and other dangerous cryogenic phenomena in the frozen rock mass. Various methods are used to study underground ice. You can distinguish the method of GPR. Its advantages are efficiency and high detail of measurements. However, the process of identifying underground ice based on the results of processing and interpreting ground-penetrating radar data is currently not formalized in the form of an algorithm. Purpose of the work. Rapid mapping of geocryological structures requires the development of an appropriate algorithm (sequence of formalized procedures) for the processing and interpretation of ground penetrating radar data. Methodology of the algorithm is based on the analysis of characteristics of GPR traces, the use of fast Fourier transform to calculate the spectra of GPR traces and further analysis of the results. Results of the study. The developed algorithm will make it possible to quickly study the structural features of the frozen rock massif with the release of layer ice. The algorithm was tested on the results of physical and computer modeling of ground-penetrating radar measurements of rock mass with ice included. Conclusions. The use of algorithms for processing and interpretation of ground-penetrating radar data for the operational mapping of geocryological structures of frozen rock massifs makes it possible to reasonably and rationally apply a set of measures to prevent the occurrence of unfavorable geotechnical processes or to reduce economic losses when negative geocryological processes are activated.


  • Changes in the conditions of heat transfer of ground ice under the influence of external or internal factors can lead to the formation of thermokarst sinkholes, solifluction mudslides, cryogenic landslides and other dangerous cryogenic phenomena in the frozen rock mass

  • The process of identifying underground ice based on the results of processing and interpreting ground-penetrating radar data is currently not formalized in the form of an algorithm

  • Rapid mapping of geocryological structures requires the development of an appropriate algorithm for the processing and interpretation of ground penetrating radar data

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Ап Аверх Анижн

Георадиолокационная модель массива мерзлых горных пород с пластовым льдом (а, б) и схема формирования отраженных электромагнитных волн (в) при зондировании модели (а). По результатам анализа радиофизических характеристик георадиолокационной трассы выявляются следующие признаки пластового льда: непрерывные оси синфазности с противоположными фазами сигнала; отношения амплитуд верхней и нижней границ льдов; «изрезанность» Фурье-спектра трассы и др., присущие подземному пластовому льду в массиве мерзлых горных пород Для выделения на радарограмме полезных сигналов, отраженных от геокриологических объектов, применяются следующие процедуры обработки георадиолокационных данных [10, 11]: 1. Прослеживаются наиболее устойчивые на радарограмме оси синфазности сигналов, характерные для геологических границ исследуемого участка массива горных пород; 4. Выделяются оси синфазности сигналов, отраженных от локальных объектов, определяются время их регистрации, вариации амплитудных значений, фиксируются частотный состав, фазы сигналов и их изменение с глубиной; 5.

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