
The construction of telecommunication networks with a guaranteed level of quality of service involves assessing and ensuring the security of both the networks themselves and information flows from unauthorized access and various kinds of interference, in particular at the 1st (physical) level of the network. In this regard, research in the field of creating recurrent code sequences with improved systemic, correlation, secretive, imitation-resistant properties is constantly relevant. In particular, research in the development and application of derivative nonlinear recurrent sequences, as a central element in the developed theory of the «third decision scheme». Goal of the work is to develop an algorithm for increasing the efficiency of search and synchronization of broadband signals in the form of double derivatives of nonlinear recurrent sequences, which directly uses the features of their code structure, the properties of determinism of their auto- and cross-correlation functions. The results of the research and development of the efficiency of the algorithm for accelerated search and synchronization of broadband complex signals in the form of phase-shift keyed derivatives of nonlinear recurrent sequences, which implements the principles of the «third decision schema» The developed algorithm, based on the use of double derivatives of nonlinear recurrent sequences as wideband signals, can be applied in the construction of promising packet radio networks.

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