
In the process of carrying out search and rescue operations and emergency response measures, organization of manpower and equipment management based on ensuring effective information exchange is of great importance. Moreover, tasks are often carried out in conditions of inoperative or absent telecommunication infrastructure and possible destructive external influences. In such situations, for the transfer of information, it is preferable to deploy a mobile ad hoc network, which has an arbitrary decentralized topology and is able to operate without base stations. In order to ensure the transmission of streaming data with the required quality in wireless packet-switched networks, various algorithms for the dynamic distribution and reservation of channel resources have been developed. However, insufficient attention has been paid to substantiating the duration of the transmission of streams of audio information in a mobile ad hoc network. The article presents the results of the development and research of an algorithm for obtaining the recommended duration of sessions for transmitting voice information streams to support decision-making to ensure the effectiveness of audio communications in a mobile ad hoc network. The recommended duration of the communication session depends on the limit number of packets in the audio stream, the calculation of which is based on the use of mathematical models to estimate the average volume of a multimedia message, the transmission of which can be carried out with the required quality for the given characteristics of the network. Implementation of the proposed algorithm will allow users of a mobile ad hoc network to receive messages about the recommended duration of audio communication sessions.

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