
It was shown by Ostrik (Int. Math. Res. Not. 2003(27), 1507–1520 2003) and Natale (SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl. 13, 042 2017) that a collection of twisted group algebras in a pointed fusion category serve as explicit Morita equivalence class representatives of indecomposable, separable algebras in such categories. We generalize this result by constructing explicit Morita equivalence class representatives of indecomposable, separable algebras in group-theoretical fusion categories. This is achieved by providing the free functor Φ from fusion category to a category of bimodules in the original category with a (Frobenius) monoidal structure. Our algebras of interest are then constructed as the image of twisted group algebras under Φ. We also show that twisted group algebras admit the structure of Frobenius algebras in a pointed fusion category, and as a consequence, our algebras are Frobenius algebras in a group-theoretical fusion category. They also enjoy several good algebraic properties.

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