
This paper presents an algebraic theory of linear signal processing. At the core of algebraic signal processing is the concept of a linear signal model defined as a triple (A, M, phi), where familiar concepts like the filter space and the signal space are cast as an algebra A and a module M, respectively, and phi generalizes the concept of the z-transform to bijective linear mappings from a vector space of, e.g., signal samples, into the module M. A signal model provides the structure for a particular linear signal processing application, such as infinite and finite discrete time, or infinite or finite discrete space, or the various forms of multidimensional linear signal processing. As soon as a signal model is chosen, basic ingredients follow, including the associated notions of filtering, spectrum, and Fourier transform. The shift operator is a key concept in the algebraic theory: it is the generator of the algebra of filters A. Once the shift is chosen, a well-defined methodology leads to the associated signal model. Different shifts correspond to infinite and finite time models with associated infinite and finite z-transforms, and to infinite and finite space models with associated infinite and finite C-transforms (that we introduce). In particular, we show that the 16 discrete cosine and sine transforms are Fourier transforms for the finite space models. Other definitions of the shift naturally lead to new signal models and to new transforms as associated Fourier transforms in one and higher dimensions, separable and non-separable. We explain in algebraic terms shift-invariance (the algebra of filters A is commutative), the role of boundary conditions and signal extensions, the connections between linear transforms and linear finite Gauss-Markov fields, and several other concepts and connections.

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