
Let [Formula: see text] be a type of algebra in the sense of universal algebra. By defining singular simplices in algebras and emulating singular [co] homology, we introduce for each variety, pseudo-variety, and divisional class V of type [Formula: see text], a homology and cohomology theory which measure the V-connectivity of type-[Formula: see text] algebras. Intuitively, if we were to think of an algebra as a space and subalgebras which lie in V as simplices, then V-connectivity describes the failure of subalgebras to lie in V, i.e., it describes the "holes" in this space. These [co]homologies are functorial on the class of type-[Formula: see text] algebras and are characterized by a natural topological interpretation. All these notions extend to subsets of algebras. One obtains for this algebraic connectivity, the long exact sequences, relative [co]homologies, and the analogues of the usual [co]homological notions of the algebraic topologists. In fact, we show that the [co]homologies are actually the same as the simplicial [co]homology of simplicial complexes that depend functorially on the algebras. Thus the connectivities in question have a natural geometric meaning. This allows the wholesale import into algebra of the concepts, results, and techniques of algebraic topology. In particular, functoriality implies that the [co]homology of a pair of algebras A ⊆ B is an invariant of the position of A in B. When one V contains another, we obtain relationships between the [co] homology theories in the form of long exact sequences. Furthermore for finite algebras, V-[co]homology is effectively computable if membership in V is. We obtain an analogue of the Poincaré lemma (stating that subsets of an algebra in V are V-homologically trivial), extremely general guarantees of the existence of subsets with non-trivial V-homology for algebras not in V, long exact V-homotopy sequences, as well as analogues of the powerful Eilenberg-Zilber theorems and Kunneth theorems in the setting of V-connectivity for V a variety or pseudo-variety. Also in the more general case of any divisionally closed V, we construct the long exact Mayer-Vietoris sequences for V-homology. Results for homomorphisms include an algebraic version of contiguity for homomorphisms (which implies they are V-homotopic) and a proof that V-surmorphisms are V-homotopy equivalences. If we allow the divisional classes to vary, then algebraic connectivity may be viewed as a functor from the category of pairs W ⊆ V of divisional classes of [Formula: see text]-algebras with inclusions as morphisms' to the category of functors from pairs of [Formula: see text]-algebras to pairs of simplicial complexes. Examples show the non-triviality of this theory (e.g. "associativity tori"), and two preliminary applications to semigroups are given: 1) a proof that the group connectivity of a torsion semigroup S is homotopy equivalent to a space whose points are the maximal subgroups of S, and 2) an aperiodic connectivity analogue of the fundamental lemma of complexity.

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