
Although temporal coding through spike-time patterns has long been of interest in neuroscience, the specific structures that could be useful for spike-time codes remain highly unclear. Here, we introduce an analytical approach, using techniques from discrete mathematics, to study spike-time codes. As an initial example, we focus on the phenomenon of "phase precession" in the rodent hippocampus. During navigation and learning on a physical track, specific cells in a rodent's brain form a highly structured pattern relative to the oscillation of population activity in this region. Studies of phase precession largely focus on its role in precisely ordering spike times for synaptic plasticity, as the role of phase precession in memory formation is well established. Comparatively less attention has been paid to the fact that phase precession represents one of the best candidates for a spike-time neural code. The precise nature of this code remains an open question. Here, we derive an analytical expression for a function mapping points in physical space to complex-valued spikes by representing individual spike times as complex numbers. The properties of this function make explicit a specific relationship between past and future in spike patterns of the hippocampus. Importantly, this mathematical approach generalizes beyond the specific phenomenon studied here, providing a technique to study the neural codes within precise spike-time sequences found during sensory coding and motor behavior. We then introduce a spike-based decoding algorithm, based on this function, that successfully decodes a simulated animal's trajectory using only the animal's initial position and a pattern of spike times. This decoder is robust to noise in spike times and works on a timescale almost an order of magnitude shorter than typically used with decoders that work on average firing rate. These results illustrate the utility of a discrete approach, based on the structure and symmetries in spike patterns across finite sets of cells, to provide insight into the structure and function of neural systems.

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