
In Chapter 1 we give basics on combinatorial group theory, starting from free groups and proceeding with the fundamental constructions: free products, amalgamated free products and HNN extensions. We outline a synthesis of Bass-Serre theory, preceded by a survey on Cayley graphs and graphs of groups. After proving the main theorem of Bass-Serre theory, we present its application to the proof of Kurosh subgroup theorem. Subsequently we recall main definitions and properties of hyperbolic spaces. In Section 1.4 we define algebraic and definable closures and recall a few other notions of model theory related to saturation and homogeneity. The last section of Chapter 1 is devoted to asymptotic cones. In Chapter 2 we prove a theorem similar to Bestvina-Paulin theorem on the limit of a sequence of actions on hyperbolic graphs. Our setting is more general: we consider Bowditch-acylindrical actions on arbitrary hyperbolic graphs. We prove that edge stabilizers are (finite bounded)-by-abelian, that tripod stabilizers are finite bounded and that unstable edge stabilizers are finite bounded. In Chapter 3 we introduce the essential notions on limit groups, shortening argument and JSJ decompositions. In Chapter 4 we present the results on constructibility of a torsion-free hyperbolic group from the algebraic closure of a subgroup. Also we discuss constructibility of a free group from the existential algebraic closure of a subgroup. We obtain a bound to the rank of the algebraic and definable closures of subgroups in torsion-free hyperbolic groups. In Section 4.2 we prove some results about the position of algebraic closures in JSJ decompositions of torsion-free hyperbolic groups and other results for free groups. Finally, in Chapter 5 we answer the question about equality between algebraic and definable closure in a free group. A positive answer has been given for a free group F of rank smaller than 3. Instead, for free groups of rank strictly greater than 3 we found some counterexample. For the free group of rank 3 we found a necessary condition on the form of a possible counterexample.

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