
We perform two-dimensional simulations of Alfven oscillations in magnetars, modeled as relativistic stars with a dipolar magnetic field. We use the a nelastic approximation to general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics, which allows for an effective suppression of fluid modes and an accurate description of Alfven waves. In addition, we compute Alfven oscillation fre- quencies along individual magnetic field lines with a semi-a nalytic approach, employing a short-wavelength approximation. Our main findings are as fo llows: a) we confirm the exis- tence of two families of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs), with harmonics at integer mul- tiples of the fundamental frequency, as was found in the linear study of Sotani, Kokkotas & Stergioulas; b) the QPOs appearing near the magnetic axis are split into two groups, de- pending on their symmetry across the equatorial plane. The antisymmetric QPOs have only odd integer-multiple harmonics; c) the continuum obtained with our semi-analytic approach agrees remarkably well with QPOs obtained via the two-dimensional simulations, allowing for a clear interpretation of the QPOs as corresponding to turning points of the continuum. This agreement will allow for a comprehensive study of Alfven QPOs for a larger number of different models, without the need for time-consuming simulations. Finally, we construct empirical relations for the QPO frequencies and compare them to observations of known Soft Gamma Repeaters. We find that, under the assumptions of our mo del and if the magnetic field of magnetars is characterized by a strong dipolar component, and QPOs are produced near the magnetic pole, then one can place an upper limit to the mean surface strength of the magnetic field of about 3 8 × 10 15 G.

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