
The present study addresses the theme of "Literacy and Playfulness" and was developed in response to the need to understand how these concepts are presented in research, since when worked together, they provide tools for the construction of effective pedagogical practices, making the teaching and learning process meaningful and respectful. Therefore, the objective is to understand the existing relationships regarding Literacy and Playfulness in research. In line with the proposed objective, a bibliographic survey was conducted using the Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of ANPEd (National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Education), searching for research presented in the Working Groups on Literacy, Reading, and Writing between the years 2012 and 2012. Through access to the complete articles, it was observed that there is a gap between the concepts of Literacy and Playfulness, which are predominantly presented in distinct ways, not demonstrating connections between them and emphasizing the limited interest and lack of knowledge about the potential enhancement of learning when they are addressed together. It is concluded, then, that there is a gap in research regarding the proposed topic, reinforcing the need to demonstrate relevance and understanding that the gap reflects existing deficiencies in the educational area.

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