
The 2017 season of fieldwork was filled as usual with multiple tasks, covering both archaeological and conservation work. The high point of the year came on 1 April with the official inauguration of the tourist itinerary, constituting the first stage of the Kom el-Dikka Site Presentation Project. Officiating at the well-attended opening ceremony were His Excellency Dr. Khaled el- Enany, Minister of Antiquities of Egypt, accompanied by their Excellencies Mohammed Sultan, Governor of Alexandria, Michał Murkociński, Ambassador of Poland and Prof. Marcin Pałys, Rector of the University of Warsaw (see above, page 30 in this volume). The new itinerary swelled the numbers of visitors over the early summer months, even as the team returned late in the season to a regular schedule of digging and conservation, running all the time a training course for a group of junior SCA staff members. The course focused on basic excavation and conservation techniques and methods including stratigraphic analyses, surveying, pottery processing and drawing. Alexandria Kom el-Dikka Season 2017

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