
The article presents the historical medical and historical legal aspects of the development of sanitary care in the domestic penitentiary system; the role of the outstanding Russian scientist, the founder and the first professor of the Department of Hygiene of the Medical-Surgical Academy, a doctor, and scientist, public figure, Professor - Aleksey Petrovich Dobroslavin. For ten years he headed the health care department of the Main Prison Administration of the Russian Empire. November 18, 1871, Aleksey Petrovich Dobroslavin read the first lecture on the course of hygiene for listeners of the 4th year of the Medico-Surgical Academy. That day, according to the authors, can be considered the day of the founding of the national hygiene science. In September 1879, the scientist headed the Health care Department of the Main Prison Administration of Russia. At this position, Aleksey Petrovich combined all his knowledge, obtained earlier - hygiene and public knowledge, medicine and law. He served science and law, the people and the State. In 80 years of the XIX century, A.P. Dobroslavin played a decisive role in the development of domestic penitentiary hygiene. He received a real opportunity not only to develop theoretical provisions of hygiene but also the possibility to implement them by his orders binding on the staff of the penitentiary system of the Russian Empire. The scientist observed the implementation of his scientific provisions, generalized the experience of practical application of his research in various geoclimatic and other environmental conditions. Each of his commanding decisions is a separate, completed scientific work. He introduced the penitentiary science, which he actively developed as a scientist hygienist. Theoretical heritage of A.P. Dobroslavin for many decades determined the ways of the Russian penitentiary hygienic science.

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