
The Marques’ soft scale, Alecanochiton marquesi (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Coccidae) is recorded from Colombia and Costa Rica on Sapotaceae (Manilkara zapota) and on Melastomataceae (Conostegia xalapensis, Miconia trinervia, and M. schlimii), respectively. Other scale insects collected on M. zapota in the present study include Hemiberlesia lataniae, Howardia biclavis (Diaspididae), Coccus viridis, Saissetia coffeae (Coccidae), and Crypticerya abrahami (Monophlebidae). Crypticerya abrahami was found tended by Azteca sp. ants (Formicidae: Dolichoderinae) and is for the first time recorded on M. zapota. The first-instar nymph of A. marquesi is described and illustrated based on specimens from Colombia. The affinities of Alecanochiton with other Coccidae genera are discussed based on characters of the adult female and first-instar nymph.

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