
Aldicarb toxicosis was diagnosed in 200 sheep that died suddenly. Carbamate insecticide toxicosis was suspected based on observed clinical signs (hypersalivation, diarrhea, urination, paddling, seizures, miosis, and deaths occurring within 1 hour). Tissue samples were submitted from 4 Columbian ewes for pathologic and analytical evaluation. Severe diffuse pulmonary edema was observed on gross and histologic examination. Inhibition of cholinesterase activity in retina (21.2-68.1% of normal activity, n = 3), brain (40.6-45.6% of normal activity, n = 3), and whole blood (27% of normal activity, n = 1) supported a diagnosis of carbamate toxicosis. Reversal of brain and whole blood cholinesterase activities (reactivation factor greater than 1.4) following an in vitro 1 hour incubation at 37 C was also consistent with carbamate poisoning. Aldicarb toxicosis was confirmed following its detection in rumen contents at 1.5, 5.5, and 334 ppm using both high-pressure liquid chromatography with UV detection and gas chromatography with nitrogen/phosphorus detection.

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