
The Aldborough Roman Town Layered Plan is a layered pdf containing data from the Aldborough Roman Town Project. It provides full maps of all known archaeological information for the site, which was the Roman town of Isurium Brigantum. It should be used in conjunction with the Aldborough Gazetteer. The data have been collected and collated by Rose Ferraby and Martin Millett. It links to the monograph published by the Society of Antiquaries. The layers include: OS data, geology, topography, fieldwalking, past excavations, gazetteer references to past excavations, magnetometry survey results and interpretation, and interpretation of Ground Penetrating Radar surveys. The pdf contains layers which the viewer can switch on and off, zoom in and out, thus giving a detailed view of the data. The gazetteer is a full list of all the archaeological interventions known of at Aldborough Roman Town, compiled by Rose Ferraby and Martin Millett. The Gazetteer locations and numbers can be viewed in a layer on the Layered Plan. It can therefore be used in conjunction with the Layered Plan, to find out more information including: Date of intervention; Archaeologist(s); Nature of Work; Discoveries; Bibliographic References; Map references; Information on location of data.

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