
The concept of harm reduction emerged from the drug field in the 1980s in response to the urgent need to reduce the risk and spread of blood-borne viruses in people who continued to inject illicit drugs. The concept has since become increasingly influential in the alcohol and even tobacco fields. While there are many different applications of the term today, the distinction used by the International Harm Reduction Association (IHRA) between strategies relying on ‘use reduction’ and those that primarily strive for harm reduction without necessarily requiring reduction in consumption is used here. The evidence base for the effectiveness of harm reduction strategies on the one hand, and efforts that require a degree of use reduction via demand or supply reduction on the other hand, is summarised based on a comprehensive review funded by the Australian government. In the alcohol field, the concept of harm reduction has sometimes been proposed as an alternative to the view that alcohol-related harm will only be reduced via a reduction of the total population consumption of alcohol. This paper will present evidence to suggest that, in order to be most effective, a comprehensive policy to reduce alcohol-related harm needs also to include interventions to reduce the quantity of alcohol consumed per occasion. Furthermore, it is highly unlikely in most modern drinking societies that significant reductions in alcohol-related harm can occur without also a significant drop in total population consumption. Nonetheless, harm reduction is an important and influential principle in alcohol policy that can be incorporated alongside such effective strategies as controls on the physical and economic availability of alcohol and the routine delivery of brief interventions in primary health care settings.

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