
Since low serum l-arginine (Arg) and high asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) can predict microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), we tested whether Arg and ADMA are affected by diet and physical activity in overweight/obese and T2DM subjects. We tested the effects on serum Arg and ADMA of single loads of dextrose, protein, fat, or alcohol (∼300 calories each); one episode of physical exercise; and 12 weeks of standard lifestyle modification (dietary and physical activity counseling). Alcohol drink was followed by ∼30% lowering in Arg. Arg and ADMA increased after a protein load but remained stable after glucose or fat load or 30 min of treadmill walk. Following 12 weeks of lifestyle modification, ADMA declined only in subjects achieving weight loss >5%. In conclusion, alcohol is a previously unrecognized acute suppressor of serum Arg. Lifestyle modification lowers ADMA in subjects who achieve weight loss >5%. Clinical Trial Registration Number: NCT04406402.

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