
Alcohol drinking habit is a serious epidemic that afflicts people worldwide regardless of socioeconomic class and the country’s development or civilization. The purpose of this systematic review was to summarize research findings on drinking and driving, its implications for Nigerian society, and the role forensic science can play in drunk driving. Nigeria, in particular has seen a lot of fatal accidents attributed to alcohol but due to a lack of forensic sobriety and toxicology drug tests at the crash scene that is not yet in place in the country, the offenders are not punished for this crime. The only two African countries that have legislation on Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) are South Africa and Zimbabwe. Nigeria has no such legislation and does not conduct such tests in injury and fatal accident cases. The prevalence of drinking habits among Nigerians and in particular the drivers cannot be ignored. This study examined global drinking habits including its prevalence in Nigeria and more importantly understudied the need for forensic science interplay in a criminal investigation against drunk driving in the country. Drunk driving in Nigeria is a serious problem. Establishing and enforcing drunken driving laws as a criminal offense would assist the country in the reduction of road accidents, injuries, and fatalities relating to road accidents. Forensic science is a unique field that is equipped with skills and knowledge that could be useful for criminal investigation in the country including accident cases. Forensic scientists have outstanding technical skills to identify, detect, and even assist the country’s prosecutors in the administration of justice in crime investigations. Nigeria as a country will be well served if forensic scientists work in partnership with the government. Drinking and driving in addition to other crimes has become a matter of concern. The country’s police force and courts still rely mostly on eyewitness circumstantial evidence, testimonies, and suspects’ confessions. Based on this, I personally believe that the advent of Forensic science in the country’s system will assist a great deal in solving crimes and reducing fatal accidents due to drunk driving.

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