
Background: Current strategies in circulating tumor cell (CTC) isolation in pancreatic cancer heavily rely on the EpCAM and cytokeratin cell status. EpCAM is generally not considered a good marker given its transitory change during Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) or reverse EMT. There is a need to identify other surface markers to capture the complete repertoire of PDAC CTCs. The primary objective of the study is to characterize alternate surface biomarkers to EpCAM on CTCs that express low or negligible levels of surface EpCAM in pancreatic cancer patients. Methods: Flow cytometry and surface mass spectrometry were used to identify proteins expressed on the surface of PDAC CTCs in culture. CTCs were grown under conditions of attachment and in co-culture with naïve neutrophils. Putative biomarkers were then validated in GEMMs and patient samples. Results: Surface proteomic profiling of CTCs identified several novel protein biomarkers. ALCAM was identified as a novel robust marker in GEMM models and in patient samples. Conclusions: We identified several novel surface biomarkers on CTCs expressed under differing conditions of culture. ALCAM was validated and identified as a novel alternate surface marker on EpCAMlow CTCs.

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