
Serum/plasma albumin is an important predictor of future mortality/morbidity in haemodialysis (HD) patients and has been proposed as an important audit measure. Different methods of albumin assay give different results and the bias between methods may be greater in renal failure patients. Albumin concentration in plasma was measured by three methods, two dye-binding methods (bromocresol green (BCG) and bromocresol purple (BCP)) and an immuno-turbidimetric (ITM) method, in 143 HD patients (group I) and 49 non-renal patients (group II). Comparisons were made between means, variation in differences across a range of albumin concentrations and on the percentage of patients within the normal range. In HD patients (group I), BCG over-estimated plasma albumin compared with the other two methods. The difference could be as much as 10 g/l and was more marked in hypoalbuminaemic patients. The BCP method gave results closer to the ITM method, particularly in HD patients. These differences were less marked in group II patients but both methods overestimated albumin compared with the ITM method. Using the BCG local laboratory normal range, 84% of HD patients had plasma albumin concentrations within the normal range but this fell to 57% if the BCP results were used. The method for determining albumin concentration has a marked effect on the results particularly in HD patients. BCG, the most commonly used method, gives higher results than other methods and correlates poorly with an immunological method. These differences make comparative audit between nephrology units difficult and have implications for other biochemical variables and other specialties.

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