
Site 1258, drilled during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 207 on Demerara Rise off the northern coast of South America, recovered organic-rich Albian sediments that yield abundant, moderately to well preserved calcareous nannofossils. Biostratigraphic analysis shows the section primarily spans Roth’s (Initial Reports DSDP 44. US Government Printing Office, Washington (1978) 731) middle to late Albian Zone NC9. A disconformity separates these sediments from overlying uppermost Albian laminated shales from Zone NC10. The presence of Seribiscutum primitivum within the Albian section represents the first known occurrences of this species at such low latitudes, as Demerara Rise was located within 15° of the equator during the mid-Cretaceous. This species exhibits a bipolar distribution and is considered a cool-water, high-latitude species. Its presence on Demerara Rise indicates cooler water incursions either through changes in surface circulation or upwelling conditions during the opening of the Equatorial Atlantic.

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