
Alarm calling in a population of thirteenlined ground squirrels, Spermophilus tridecemlineatus, was studied over a three-year period. Data on ground squirrel reactions to human and canine approaches and to the approach or presence of avian predators were used to quantify alarm calling behavior. The results support the hypothesis that alarm calling in this species functions to warn genetic relatives. Human and canine approach-elicited calls were most frequently given by mothers and their recently emerged young; adult males and nonparous females rarely called. The onset of maternal calling coincided with the aboveground appearance of a mother's own litter, and both juvenile and maternal calling were terminated at approximately three weeks post-emergence. Alarm calls were rarely emitted during encounters with avian predators. Alarm calling behavior in S. tridecemlineatus thus appeared to be dependent upon the presence of newly emerged juvenile relatives. To investigate whether the population structure of S. tridecemlineatus was perhaps incompatible with the evolution of alarm calling directed toward adult relatives, the distance between the home ranges of adult relatives and the distance over which the alarm vocalization is audible to ground squirrels were measured. The results revealed that females were likely to have adult relatives relatives residing within audible range of the call.

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