
Al Sur del Sur South by Southwest Fotos de Tony Canossa1 Click for larger view View full resolution 1. Unleashing the dragon—Liberando el dragón [End Page 183] Click for larger view View full resolution 2. The lost kingdom—El reino perdido [End Page 184] Click for larger view View full resolution 3. Monday morning—A trabajar [End Page 185] Click for larger view View full resolution 4. Waiting for it—Esperándola [End Page 186] Click for larger view View full resolution 5. Hunted hunter—Cazador cazado [End Page 187] Click for larger view View full resolution 6. Looping huaso—Lazada [End Page 188] Click for larger view View full resolution 7. Catwheel sunset—Dando vueltas de gato [End Page 189] Click for larger view View full resolution 8. Riding the dragon—Cabalgando el dragón [End Page 190] Footnotes 1. Born in El Salvador, son and brother of photographers, photography has been many things for him since early childhood: An ever present love, a way to share with others the richness of life by holding still, for a moment, a spark of it's never ending flow, and a humble way of showing gratitude and appreciation for the privilege of seeing. Copyright © 2018 Board of Trustees of the University of Northern Colorado

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