
Seyed Qutb is one of the great theorists of Egypt Muslim population who could propagate his thoughts among Egyptian youths and adolescents through writing the books such as “fi zelal al Quran “and “Maalem fe al tarigh”. Presenting some problems such as like social justice in Islam, people's Ignorance in present age and world division into Islam and Atheism, He eloquently announced idolatry of all governments and its solution as being Jihad or emigration.Stating such thoughts influenced Arab youths greatly as after executing him, jihadi groups including Al-Qaeda were created influenced by his thoughts. In their method and thought they followed Seyed Qutb but in jurisprudence and beliefs they imitated salafists like Ibn Tamie; as Abdullah Azam says: I had been the pupil of four persons: In thought the pupil of Seyed Qutb, in jurisprudence pupile of Now; in beliefs the pupil of Ibn Tamie and in mental issues pupil of Ibn Qayem. So Al-Qaeda is a combined group that has adopted his strategic way from Seyed Qutb's thoughts and his beliefs from Ibn Tamie and now we observe that abusing Qutbi's ideas Wahhabism invites Arab youths to war and jihad, but with special goals from which none are accordance with Seyed Qutb's goals.

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