
Some of challenging features faced by the Arabic languagelearners are lack of linguistic vocabulary, psychologicalmotivation, the scarcity of cognitive and social materials,and the difficulty of practicing second or foreign languagesamong learners. Therefore, it is necessary to establish asearch for elements and sources that help the leaners to facethose difficulties. The researchers believe that the dailyremembrance (dzikr) of the Qur’anic verses, the prophetictraditions, and the invocations (du’a) that Muslims dealwith in their daily lives can be among the specific sourcesof Arabic language practice among non-Arab learners.Therefore, the researchers by using analytical andexperimental approach chose some Arabic words orvocabulary from the popular invocations used by Muslimsin their daily recitations and then presented it in the Arabiclanguage classes. The researchers conducted threeexperiments on three groups of Malaysian junior studentsin Arabic subject in the second and third stages. The studyfound there are many sources that prevent the practice ofthe Arabic language. These barriers related to severalfactors such as the lack of language adaptation,psychological and behavioral conditions. However, thestudy concluded that good selection of vocabulary, orlanguage phrases, especially from daily Islamic terms,drives Malaysian learners to practice Arabic.

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