
Acute porphyrias are caused by rare hereditary disorders of hepatic heme biosynthesis. Episodes of accumulating neurotoxic metabolites lead to multisystemic symptoms such as visceral pain, autonomic dysregulation, neurocognitive impairment, hyponatremia, and occasionally motor paralysis. In addition to protracted non-emergency courses, acute life-threatening crises can occur, often triggered by infection, medication, fasting, or hormonal stimuli. Since the clinical presentation is nonspecific and multifaceted, many patients have gone through along odyssey until they receive adiagnosis. Acute attacks often lead to presenting initially to the emergency department, where acute hepatic porphyria (AHP) is easily overlooked in the differential diagnosis. Establishing the diagnosis requires ahigh level of genuine suspicion (e.g., cluster of signs and symptoms along with certain patterns of health care resource utilization). The initial diagnostic work-up requires the measurement of metabolites in the urine. Emergency management consists of infusions of glucose and heme arginate along with symptomatic therapy. However, porphyrinogenic agents must be strictly avoided ( www.drugs-porphyria.org ). After initial diagnosis, athorough work-up should be done at aporphyria center (confirming the diagnosis, education, genetic counselling) and issuance of an emergency identification card is mandatory. If the frequency of relapses is high, new targeted prophylactic therapies have proven effective. Patients with known porphyria require special attention in any acute medical condition in order to avoid porphyrinogenic triggers and to exclude threatening differential diagnosis (e.g., sepsis) by consistent basic diagnostics.

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