
Brahminy kite (Haliastur indus) is one of bird of prey species that occupy position as top predator. Many brahminy kite was captured and was kept as pet which caused those birds lose their ability to hunt as a result of being caged for too long and for not to be trained to hunt. In Bali Wildlife Rescue Centre, the confiscated brahminy kite showed begging behavior in which the birds “whine” every time a human approach. This kind of behaviour affect their readiness to be released in the wild. The purpose of this study was to determine the daily activity and the frequency of begging behaviour of confiscated brahminy kite in Bali Wildlife Rescue Centre. This study was conducted in January 2020. This study found that the brahminy kite at the Bali Wildlife Rescue Centre spent the most of their time for perching. The second highest activity was preening, whereas the least activities were feeding and moving. The highest percentage to beg in brahminy kite was recorded in the morning, whereas the lowest percentage was in the midday. The results of this study indicate that the confiscated brahminy kite at the Bali Wildlife Rescue Centre still needs more time to be rehabilitated prior released ack into the wild.


  • Wildlife Rescue Centre were still need more time to be rehabilitated prior to release back into the wild

  • This study found that the brahminy kite at the Bali Wildlife Rescue Centre spent most of their time for perching

  • The results of this study indicated that the confiscated brahminy kite at the Bali

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Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2020, bertempat di Pusat Penyelamatan Satwa Bali yang berlokasi di Banjar Dukuh, Desa Dauh Peken, Tabanan, Bali. Skema penandaan (tagging) individu elang bondol untuk pengamatan aktivitas harian dan begging behaviour di PPS Bali pada bulan Januari 2020. Tag yang diberikan pada kaki elang bondol (individu RW) di PPS Bali untuk keperluan studi ini Pengamatan terhadap aktivitas harian elang bondol di PPS Bali dilakukan dengan mengunakan metode Focal Animal Sampling (Altmann, 1974). Berdasarkan hasil kedua penelitian tersebut maka pengamatan aktivitas harian elang bondol di dalam kandang di PPS Bali pada eISSN: 2656-7784 September 2021 penelitian ini dikelompokkan menjadi lima yaitu: a. Data kualitatif dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunakan literatur dan membandingkan hasil pengamatan dengan penelitian terkait yang telah dilakukan mengenai perilaku elang di alam bebas dan atau yang ada di dalam kandang. Pengamatan aktivitas harian elang bondol dilakukan terhadap lima (5) individu elang bondol sitaan yang terdapat di PPS Bali (lihat tabel 1).

Panduan Survei Lapangan dan Pemantauan
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