
Lantana camara is a medicinal plant belongs to family Verbenaceae. It is widely used as traditional medicine for treating various health problems. But there has been no report about potential activity of L. camara that grow in Indonesia and its fractions. The aim of this research were to investigate the antimicrobial activity of extract and its fractions of L. camara leaves in against . Extract was prepared by maceration in ethanol (96%) then fractionated using n-hexane and ethyl acetate. Antimicrobial activity was carried out using agar difussion method and antioxidant activity was carried out using DPPH radical scavenging activity assay. Concentration of extract and fraction tested were 12,5 ?g/mL; 25 ?g/mL; 50 ?g/mL; and 100 ?g/mL. The result showed that extract and fraction of L. camara leaves exhibit strong antibacterial activity against Gram positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus), weak inhibition against Gram negative bacteria (Escherichia coli), and and were not able to inhibit the growth of Candida albicans. The ethanolic extract of L. camara leaves and its fractions had antioxidant activity. DPPH radical scavenging assay showed the IC50 value of 8.95 ?g / mL for ethanolic extract.


  • Lantana camara L.(Tembelekan) adalah tanaman anggota suku Verbenaceae yang dikenal oleh masyarakat untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit

  • a medicinal plant belongs to family Verbenaceae

  • It is widely used as traditional medicine for treating various health problems

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Penyakit yang disebabkan infeksi dari bakteri masih menjadi suatu permasalahan yang cukup serius di Indonesia. Penelitian ilmiah telah membuktikan berbagai efek terapeutik dari tanaman sehingga banyak masyarakat di dunia yang menggunakan tanaman untuk mengobati penyakit infeksi pada sistem pernapasan, pencernaan maupun sistem urinary (Sharma et al, 2017). Antioksidan alami yang dapat diperoleh dari tanaman obat, memainkan peran penting dalam pencegahan dan pengobatan penyakit kronis yang disebabkan oleh stress oksidatif (Zhang et al, 2015). Pembuktian khasiat secara ilmiah dan penelusuran kandungan kimia dari tanaman ini, khususnya yang ada di Indonesia masih sedikit dilakukan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan penelusuran aktivitas antimkroba dan antioksidan dari daun L. camara sebagai pembuktian ilmiah khasiat tanaman ini untuk mengobati penyakit infeksi dan penyakit akibat radikal bebas. Uji aktivitas antimikroba dan antioksidan dilakukan secara in vitro terhadap ekstrak etanol dan fraksi daun L. camara

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