
Tempe is a fermented soybean products from Java, Indonesia, which has been known as a source of protein, vitamin B12, and contains bioactive compounds such as isoflavones in significant quantities an there are other bioactive components such as antibacterial. The process of making tempeh is often at risk of contamination with the emergence of contaminant bacteria Bacillus sp and Escherichia coli can degrade the quality of the product. Modification of the addition of numbers has the potential to be an inhibitor of bacterial contaminants due to the presence of the main active substance monascidin which is antibacterial. The presence of antibacterial activity can be used as an alternative substance to inhibit the growth of bacterial. This study aimed to analyze the antibacterial activity in inhibiting the growth of Bacillus sp and Eschericia coli in the tempeh fermentation process and knowing the effect of the addition of numbers on the value of water content and organoleptic properties (taste, aroma, and color) of tempeh with the addition of angkak powder. Research design using a completely randomized design with 6 treatment standards; 0%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5% with 4 repeats. The research instrument used is a bland zone with disc diffusion methods. The research data is antibacterial activity, water content and organoleptic. The results showed that the addition of angkak to soybean tempeh had an effect on antibacterial activity with a diameter range of the inhibition zone of 10–21±17 mm. The addition of angkak to the water content of tempeh did not have a significant effect with a value range ​​of 63.03±0.01 - 64.72% and there was an effect on the panelists’ preference for color parameters and did not affect the taste and aroma parameters. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that Angkak has the potential to be used as an antibacterial agent and natural dye.

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