
Surveys done in the provinces of Adana, Antalya, Gaziantep, Hatay, Icel and K.Maras in 1990 and 1991 showed that Cuntheris vole ( Microtus guentheri D.A) was dominating rodent species and the subspecies of M.guentheri shevketi Neuhaser was common in the region. Since the natural enemies of these species such as fox, snake, wild birds are lacking, specially in plain area, field mice may cause epidemies in mentioned area. It was determined that lemon rats ( Rattus rattus frugivorus Raf.) exist in neglected yards in the provinces of Adana, Hatay and Icel and are locally harmful. It was determined that lemon rats (Rattus rattus frugivorus Raf.) exist in neglected yards in the provinces of Adana, Hatay and Icel and are locally harmful. Ground squirrels ( Citellus citellus L.) were found only in K.Maras (Elbistan) at 1340 meters and locally harmful at fields near their permanent nests. Forest mice ( Apodemus mystacimus D.A. and A.sylvaticus L.) were found either in plane or transmission zones together field mice and determined to be harmful ever with low population rates. Lesser mole rats ( Spalax leucodon Nord.) were found in pastures and dry areas but believed harmless to the plantations although observed locally almost in every part of the region.

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