
ABSTRACT A sample of nearby galaxies was built from the AKARI/FIS all sky survey cross-correlated withthe SDSS and GALEX surveys. The spectral energy distributions from 0.15 to 160 microns of thesegalaxies are analysed to study dust attenuation and star formation properties. The calibrationsof the amount of dust attenuation as a function of the IR-to-UV flux ratio and the FUV-NUVcolour are re-investigated: the former one is confirmed to be robust and accurate whereas the useof the FUV-NUV colour to measure dust attenuation is found highly uncertain. The current starformation rate given by the SED fitting process is compared to that directly obtained from theUV and total IR luminosities. It leads to an accurate estimate of dust heating by old stars. Weemphasize the importance of such a sample as a reference for IR selected star forming galaxies inthe nearby universe Key words: infrared: galaxies; ultraviolet: galaxies; dust: extinction1. INTRODUCTIONThe nearby universe remains the best laboratory tounderstand the physical properties of galaxies and isa reference for any comparison with high redshift ob-servations. The all sky (or very large) surveys thathave been performed from the ultraviolet (UV) to thefar-infrared (far-IR) provide us with large datasets andvery large wavelength coverage to perform a referencestudy. The broad-band spectral energy distribution(SED) of a galaxy represents the combination of theemission from both stars of all ages and interstellardust that interact in a complex way by means of theabsorption and scattering of the stellar light by dustgrains. The stars emit from the UV to the near-IRwhereas the mid and far-IR emission comes from inter-stellar dust heated by the stellar emission. By compar-ing data with models, one can attempt to derive somephysical parameters related to the star formation his-tory and dust attenuation in a homogeneous way andsimultaneously for all galaxies of a given sample. Withthe availability of mid and far-IR data for large samplesof galaxies, we can combine stellar and dust emissionto analyse SEDs and deduce accurate star formationrates (SFRs).We investigate the properties of nearby galaxies by se-lecting a sample of objects that is as large as possible,observed as part of the

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