
Current search engines such as Google and Yahoo! are prevalent for searching the Web. Search in dynamic pages, however, is either inexistent or far from perfect. AJAX and Rich Internet Application are such applications. They are increasingly frequent on the Web (in YouTube, Amazon, GMail, Yahoo!Mail) or mobile devices and are offering a high degree of interactivity to the user, by seamlessly loading content from the server without the need to refresh the page. Current search engines cannot correctly index AJAX applications. This produces false positives and false negatives, because search engines do not understand the application logic that loads content dynamically. Crawling an AJAX application is a difficult problem. Since the user invokes events on the page, crawling must identify the different application states generated by the client-side logic. This demo sets the stage for this new type of search and shows that a search engine for AJAX can be built. Among others, the challenges, as opposed to traditional search engines, are: automatically identifying states by triggering events, efficiently crawling application states, avoiding the invocation of potentially very numerous events, scalability in the number of events, duplicate elimination of states, result presentation and aggregation, ranking. The demo presents the AJAX search engine: crawler, indexer and query processor, applied on a real application and showcases challenges and solutions.

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