
In this paper, we describe our experience with developing Airshed, a large pollution modeling application, in the Fx programming environment. We demonstrate that high level parallel programming languages like Fx and High Performance Fortran offer a simple and attractive model for developing portable and efficient parallel applications. Performance results are presented for the Airshed application executing on Intel Paragon and Cray T3D and T3E parallel computers. The results demonstrate that the application is “performance portable,” i.e., it achieves good and consistent performance across different architectures, and that the performance can be explained and predicted using a simple model for the communication and computation phases in the program. We also show how task parallelism was used to alleviate I/O related bottlenecks, an important consideration in many applications. Finally, we demonstrate how external parallel modules developed using different parallelization methods can be integrated in a relatively simple and flexible way with modules developed in the Fx compiler framework. Overall, our experience demonstrates that a high level parallel programming environment based on a language like HPF is suitable for developing complex multidisciplinary applications.

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