
Posterior pharyngeal flap palatoplasty is used to restore the function of velopharyngeal (VP) closure, after which 2 ports remain between the nasal and oral cavity. The authors hypothesized that the airflow dynamics of the upper airway is different in PPF patients compared to health subjects, who only has 1 movable port. Twenty adults who have multislice spiral computed tomography scan were included in this study. Two cylinders (radius, 2.00 mm; height, 4.5 mm) were used to recapitulate the 2-port VP structure after PPF palatoplasty. The areas of ports were modified by changing the radius of 2 cylinders. Real-time computational fluid dynamics simulation was used to capture the airflow velocity and pressures through the 2 ports. The airflow velocity and pressure of upper airway were recorded as the total areas of 2 VP ports increased. The total orifice areas of the 2-port VP closure for 4 VP conditions, including adequate closure, adequate/borderline closure, borderline/inadequate closure, and inadequate closure, were demonstrated. Significant differences between the 2-port VP function for demonstrating PPF reconstruction and the 1-port VP function were found. Airflow dynamics is dependent on the VP structure. The 2-port airflow model for mimicking VP closure after PPF palatoplasty demonstrated airflow characteristics that were significantly different from the 1-port model in normal VP closure.

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