
The world of aircraft system identification is divided into two camps, namely, those who use time-domain methods and those who use frequency-domain methods. Tischler and Remple are firmly in the frequency-domain camp. and their entire book is dedicated to this approach to system identification. The book also features the software package Comprehensive Identification from Frequency Responses (CIFER), which was developed by Tischler's group and is widely used throughout the rotorcraft industry. Topics covered in the text include: an overview of the aircraft system identification process and a review of basic concepts; an overview of the frequency-domain method; an overview of the CIFER software; details of collecting and validating flight test data; the theory and implementation of frequency-domain identification methods incorporated in the CIFER software; state-space models; time-domain verification; and issues relating to the development of high-order dynamic models of rotorcraft, and, in particular, models that involve rotor-body coupling. The book presents numerous examples with real flight test data. It is an essential reference for those working in system identification of rotorcraft and anyone who is using CIFER. The book might also be useful to those engineers considering the use of frequency-domain methods for system identification. It could possibly serve as a textbook for a special topics course.

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