
This study examines the air pollutant emission characteristics, activity intensity, and trends of mobile sources from 2013 to 2021. The target pollutants include criteria pollutants (fine particulate matters, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons) and hazardous air pollutants (benzene, formaldehyde, and BaP). The results indicated that the activity intensity levels of road mobile sources in Taiwan were148 × 109, 156 × 109, 159 × 109, and 155 × 109 km/year in 2013, 2016, 2019, and 2021, respectively, with the largest proportion attributed to gasoline passenger cars (42.6%), followed by four-stroke motorcycles (32.6%). An emission factor of PM2.5 was estimated by EPA’s MOVES (Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator) model, and the results showed that the emission sequence was diesel > gasoline > motorcycle; the NOx emission factor was estimated using the MOBILE6.2 model, and the results showed that the order was diesel > gasoline > motorcycle; the HC emission factor was compiled with the use of gasoline vehicle dynamometer data, and the results showed that motorcycle > gasoline vehicles. Further results showed that the emission sequence for benzene was motorcycle > gasoline ≥ diesel; the formaldehyde emission sequence was diesel > motorcycle ≥ gasoline. The BaP emission factors of different vehicle types were estimated using MOVES, and the emission factors of old heavy-duty diesel vehicles were the highest.

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