
Seismoacoustic wave generation for two consecutive surface chemical explosions of the same yield (approximately 1 ton TNT-equivalent) was studied during the Large Surface Explosion Coupling Experiment (LSECE) conducted at Yucca Flat on the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) site in alluvium geology. We have performed numerical simulations for both chemical explosions to investigate how the non-central source initiation, site topography and soil mechanical properties affect the evolution of the explosion (fireball and cloud), its crater, and variations in the generated blast waves. The results can be used to improve the understanding of surface explosions and their effects and how those effects can be used to infer source information such as explosive yield and emplacement. We find that the non-central detonation of the explosive cube results in non-axisymmetric blast overpressures which persist through the strong and weak shock regimes, in this case out to 200 m and more. The pattern of the secondary shock (i.e., shock created due to slowing explosive products within the expanding fireball) is also affected and its arrival relative to the main shock and may be indicative of explosive type due to its dependence on the explosive products ratio of heats. Small reflections are visible within the overpressure signal that are most probably due to small artifacts in blast path. Importantly, the fireball growth, cavity generation, and cloud formation also depart from spherical and ideal approximations due to ground interactions and material dependence, which shows the importance of realistic geomaterial models for accurate prediction. The asymmetry in peak overpressure is diminished for the second chemical explosion, which was placed in the crater of the first. Numerical modeling shows that the explosive jetting created by the non-central detonation is reduced upon interaction with the crater walls and this has the effect of making the blast generation more axisymmetric.

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