
The accurate measurement of both air velocity and volumetric airflow can be accomplished using a Pitot tube, a differential pressure transducer, and a computer system which includes the necessary hardware and software to convert the raw transducer signals into the proper engineering units. The incorporation of sensors to measure the air temperature, barometric pressure, and relative humidity can further increase the accuracy of the velocity and flow measurements. The Pitot tube measures air velocity directly by means of a pressure transducer which generates an electrical signal which is proportional to the difference between the pressure generated by the total pressure and the still air (static pressure). The volumetric flow is then calculated by measuring the average velocity of an air stream passing through a passage of a known diameter. When measuring volumetric flow, the ‘passage of a known diameter’ must be designed to reduce air turbulence as the air mass flows over the Pitot tube. Also, the placement of the pitot tube in the passage will influence how accurately the measured flow tracks the actual flow through the passage. Calibrating the measurement system in a wind tunnel can further increase the accuracy of the velocity and the flow measurements. This objective of this paper is to provide the field engineer with single, concise source of information on flow measurement using a Pitot tube.

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