
Air Traffic Management (ATM) security is amongst major topics of safety critical systems and issues of both civil aviation and military defense units. The dramatic increase in the number of the aircrafts and the innovative technology that provides smaller and sustainable air vehicles make the air communication protocols and methods as a high profile potential target for black hat hackers. There are lots of communication protocols and different systems between air to ground (A2G) station and air to air (A2A). These include set of information such as aircraft communication data, voice information and flight planning which works on some protocols. All of radar detection and chasing systems are also using similar techniques. The Data Distribution Service (DDS) is a protocol for data transfer to each node. The communication systems can be protected from third party system or hackers to some extent. The security is coming from that point. Each components have own security using valid and standard methods. Our approach in this study, enforces reasonable and applicable security concepts and techniques for a robust and resillient air traffic.

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