
Air pollution is a serious problem in thickly populated and industrialized areas in India especially in Delhi. The air pollution in India is abundant especially in areas where pollution Sources and human population are concentrated .Economic growth in industrialization are proceeding at a rapid rate accompanied by increasing emissions of air polluting sources .Environmental impacts of air pollutants have impact on public health ,vegetation , etc. To prevent or minimize the damage caused by atmospheric pollution suitable monitoring systems are urgently needed which can rapidly detect polluting sources for monitoring. It is important that the current real time air quality monitoring system controlled by GIS (Geographic information system) should be adapted to alleviating this problem. Some of the existing instruments for air pollution monitoring are Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) instruments, gas chromatographs and mass spectrometers. These instruments provide fairly accurate and selective gas reading .but high cost and large size and maintenance cost made them unfavorable for monitoring application on large scale .some of low cost ,small size gas monitoring techniques are electromechanical, infrared, catalytic bead ,photo ionization .The main objective of this work is come up with cost effective, reliable , scalable and accurate real time air pollution monitoring system with wireless sensor network .commercially available electrochemical and resistive heating type sensor is used to sense like gas CO ,NO ,Co2,.So as to carry out air pollution monitoring over an extensive area a combination of ground measure through inexpensive sensors and wireless GIS will be used for monitoring purpose

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