
Changes in the environmental components are reflected in the growth pattern of plants. Air pollutants both gaseous and particulate bring about qualitative changes in the life support system. It may also affect the production capacity of plants. The effects of pollutants on vegetation are scientifically examined. In the present study, six existing avenue trees at all the 10 circles and control area were chosen for the assessment of Polyalthia longifolia Hook and Thomas., Delonix regia Rafin, Peltophorum inerme Naves, Samanea saman Merrill, Azadirachta indica A. Juss. and Swietenia mahogany Jacq to roadside automobile pollution. By determining a few physiological parameters, which include chlorophyll a, and b, total chlorophyll, carotenoids, ascorbic acid (AA), pH, and relative water content, the impact of automobile exhaust on these species were assessed. The mean, standard deviation and percent variation were calculated for the data collected. A significant change in all these parameters was found in the leaf samples collected from six road side trees exposed to automobile exhausts in comparison to the control area. Due to 118air pollution on roadside trees, there are qualitative and quantitative changes in secondary metabolite composition, withstand the pollution effects. To evaluate the tolerance level of the selected trees to vehicular exhaust pollution, air pollution tolerance index (APTI) was assessed based on biochemical parameters like total chlorophyll, AA, pH of leaf extract, and relative water content. All the six trees in the present investigation showed an APTI value of less than 10 A indica value of 6.4 followed by D. regia (6); P. longifolia (5.9); P. inerme (5.7); S. mahogany (5.6) and S. saman (5.5). Since the APTI values were less than 16 in all the six trees, they may be categorized as ‘sensitive’ to air pollution. All these tree species could be conveniently employed as bio-indicators considering the relative advantages compared with conventional physicochemical monitors. These species are appropriate for biomonitoring of air pollution in urban air quality management.

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