
Abstract Benzene is an aromatic polycyclic hydrocarbon (C6H6) ubiquitously present in the environment which results from the emissions of fires and volcanoes. However, the primary source is anthropogenic, mainly from industrial emissions and combustion. The aim of this study is to summarize the current evidence on benzene exposure in the Italian regions and the main health effects. A retrospective observational study was conducted. Environmental data provided by ISPRA (Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) relating to benzene pollution and the trend of national emissions of substance by region and sector of origin were analyzed. Data available to date (1990-2016) show a significant decrease, over 91%, mainly due to the reduction in the transport sector. In 2016, the main share of substance relates to road transport (1,492 t), followed by use of solvents (1,100 t), and production processes (463 t). Much lower are the emissions due to the extraction and distribution of fossil fuels/geothermal (19 t) and combustion in the energy and transformation industries (5 t). The highest absolute values in 2015 were recorded in the Italian regions of Lombardia (751.4 t), Lazio (367.2 t), and Puglia (339.0 t). The lower values were in Valle d'Aosta (7.9 t), Molise (15,5 t) and Basilicata (25,3 t). The largest decrease in benzene exposure between 1990 and 2015 was recorded in Campania (-94.5%), Calabria (-93.9%) and Valle d'Aosta (-93.4%). All Italian regions recorded a significant decrease in the absolute values of benzene emissions, mainly due to both the decrease of benzene in fuel composition during the 1990s and to the renewal of circulating cars equipped with energy saving systems (start and stop) and more optimized for low fuel consumption. The global reduction of energy sources based on fossil fuels, as well as a primary environmental objective to reduce Global Warming, would certainly constitute a way to decrease the impact of benzene on the environment. Key messages Additional efforts are needed to reduce energy sources based on fossil fuels. An information, training and health education policy through the environment aimed at implementing awareness and empowerment of the population would be desirable.

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